Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"A perfect situation for him"

Magnus is done, and we just got an excellent report from the cath doctor! They didn't do much but that's because they said he looks so good they didn't need to do much. The title of this post is a direct quote from what he told us. For the first time, his pressures are low enough that he could be a candidate for the third Fontan surgery, although he doesn't need to have the surgery right now. We also don't have to do another cath for another year! In a few minutes we can go down and see him...last time he woke up pretty unhappy, and I imagine this time will be the same.


  1. Yay! Congratulations. Hope Magnus is feeling happy again soon.

  2. SO AWESOME! This just made my day :)

  3. I'm so glad that everything went well. It's a relief for all of us and the best news we could possibly get!

  4. And pretty much perfect for the rest of us. We like getting these good reports.

  5. It doesn't get much better than that!
    Glad to hear they aren't pushing the Fontan just because he's healthy enough.
    Hope you get some sweet Magnus smiles sooner rather than later :)

  6. So happy that the news was so positive and that he won't have to have another cath for a long while! Keeping up the good thoughts from down my way. Go Magnus go!

  7. Eddie Said...Congratulations, Debby and I are so happy for you and Iggy...all love

  8. Yay! Glad to hear the good news!
