Sunday, July 26, 2009

But on a more positive note:

As I mentioned earlier, Iggy and I have been tremendously grateful for all the messages and gestures of support we have received from our friends and family this week. But honestly, we already knew that we are very lucky to have a lot of terrific people in our lives.

What has been more of a surprise to me has been the support we have gotten from other parents of kids with CHDs. I know that all of these parents face huge challenges of their own, and I am truly in awe to see that so many of these people have enough left over after taking care of themselves and their families to reach out to someone else in need. I hope I can do the same for someone else someday.


  1. Okay Jen, I'm all caught up on your blog now! This is a total roller coaster you are on right now, I know! But hang in there because the dust will eventually settle & when it does you'll realize that the fight is SO worth it! I'm going to link you on my blog as well...hope that's okay. It is a great way to network!
    Also check out Aiden's blog (on my side bar) he's a very similar case, we met them at UCSF too.

  2. Allison, thanks again for your kind words and of course you can link the blog, I would be honored. Thanks also for mentioning Aiden's blog, I hadn't seen that one. I'm going to add it to my links, as well.

  3. Hello, My name is Michelle. I just came across your blog and my heart just aches because we can remember like it was yesterday finding out that our son had HRHS. HRHS requires the same surgery process as HLHS for the most part. Our son is now 3 months old and awaiting the Glenn. He is amazing and we are inspired by him every day. If you have any questions or concerns I am certainly not an expert but I can try to help in any way. Please check out our blog. I can totally empathize and relate to all of your feelings that you have spoken about here. Seriously... anything just ask. The only way we made it through that rough time was to start networking with people who are going through it. Keep your head up, we are here for you!!

  4. Thank you, Michelle. I am glad to see that Lucas got through his first surgery OK, and I'll definitely be pulling for you guys with the Glenn! Again, it is absolutely great to hear from so many families who have been through the same thing we are facing.
