Magnus had an uneventful night. He's almost completely off his sedation now, so he was awake for most of the night (thank God Nick Jr. shows "Pocoyo" at 2 a.m...for the preschool insomniac set?). His right lung is apparently looking and sounding a bit better. This morning they took him back to the cath lab to do a quick imaging study to confirm the diagnosis of paralyzed diaphragm...but the results were indeterminate because they couldn't get a good picture due to the fluid around his lung. So, they are going to continue with high doses of diuretics over the weekend and try again on Monday. I'm OK with this, because I'm not crazy about the idea of plicating unless it's absolutely necessary. Hopefully things clear up by Monday and it gives us a few more days' reprieve to possibly get his diaphragm going again.
The "B" team will be arriving on Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing you and providing some relief for the parents.